Prof Leon Cruickshank
EAD President

Director of Research, ImaginationLancaster
Lancaster University, UK.
imagination >

Prof Deana McDonagh
EAD Vice-President

Director, (dis)Ability Design Studio
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA.
design-studio.illinois.edu >

Prof Heitor Alvelos
EAD Vice-President

Chair of The Endless End Conference, Porto 2011.
Director @ U.Porto, ID+ Research Institute for Design, Media and Culture
University of Porto, Portugal.
ID+ >

Dr. Marzia Mortati
EAD Executive

Assistant Professor, Department of Design
Politecnico di Milano.
polimi >

Dr Spyros Bofylatos
EAD Executive

Tutor (Research), Design Products
Royal College of Art, UK.
spyros-bofylatos >

Dr David Perez
EAD Executive

Radical Co-Design, ImaginationLancaster
Lancaster University, UK.
imagination >

Dr Béatrice Gisclard
EAD Executive

Secretary General, Alliance France Design
University of Nîmes, France.
unimes >

EAD Committee

The EAD Committee is composed of a diverse range of professionals, researchers and practitioners from across the globe. The committee evaluates and advises on research-related issues and helps to identify emerging areas of interest.

The Executive Committee consists of academics from mainly European countries, as well as several from outside of Europe. Their role is to steer the Academy and develop future activities. The Committee has a full meeting at each conference and a sub Committee meets quarterly to review progress and to programme conferences and other activities. Members of the committee independently collaborate on other activities such as workshops, held under the auspices of the European Academy of Design. The committee is currently chaired by the President of the EAD, Professor Louise Valentine of Kent State University, Ohio, United States.

EAD Network

During the last 20 years the EAD has been contributing globally to the promotion and development of design research building an extensive global network.

Only in the 2019 EAD conference hosted by Dundee University more than 250 organisations from 40 countries were represented. We received more than 520 contributions from more than 500 delegates.

These numbers show the power of the EAD network to continuing promoting and developing design research around the world.

EAD Scientific Committee

  • Professor Heitor Alvelos, University of Porto, Portugal
  • Professor Paul Atkinson, Sheffield Hallam University University, UK
  • Professor Brigitte Borja de Mozota, Designence, France
  • Professor Tevfik Balcioǧlu, ARUCAD University, Girne, Northern Cypru
  • Professor Leon Cruickshank, Imagination Lancaster, Lancaster University, UK
  • Professor Ozlem Er, Istanbul Bilgi University, Turkey
  • Professor Lisbeth Lorenz Holms, University of Gothenburg, HDK Academy of Design & Craft
  • Professor Lorenzo Imbesi, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
  • Assoc. Professor Loredana de Lucchini, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
  • Professor Deana McDonagh, University of Illinois, USA
  • Professor Julian Malins, Heriot Watt University, Scotland.
  • Professor Louise Valentine, Kent State University, USA