Institution affiliation: Aalto University School of Art
Title: Engaging with social challenges and design doctorates
Sampsa Hyysalo is Professor of Co-Design at the Aalto University School of Art, Design and Architecture in Helsinki, Finland. His research focuses on designer-user relations in sociotechnical change. This includes engagement in participatory design, codesign, open and user innovation, open design, peer knowledge creation, user communities, citizen science and user knowledge in organizations, longitudinal ethnography, social shaping of technology and sustainability transformations.
Guy Julier is the author of Economies of Design (2017) and The Culture of Design (3rd Revised Edition 2014). A writer, academic and practitioner, he has over 30 years professional experience observing and researching global changes in design, economics and society.
He is credited with having established Design Culture as a field of study and research.
Lucy Kimbell is a design consultant, artist and academic. She is Professor of Contemporary Design Practices at Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts London. Before joining UAL, Lucy was AHRC Research Fellow in Policy Lab in the Cabinet Office (2014-15) and principal research fellow at the University of Brighton. Previously she was Clark Fellow in Design Leadership at Said Business School, University of Oxford (2005-10) where she established the school’s first MBA elective in ‘designing better futures’ which she continued to teach until 2019. She studied Engineering Design and Appropriate Technology (University of Warwick), MA Computing in Art and Design (University of Middlesex), PhD Design (Lancaster University) and has lived and worked in Sudan, Catalunya and Poland as well as the UK.
In 2022 she led development of the Sustainable Transitions through Democratic Design Doctoral Network, awarded EC MSCA funding. She is also principal investigator of the Design and Policy Network funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council.
Her book Service Innovation Handbook (2014, 3rd reprinting) brought together design, services management and ethnography. Lucy’s artwork includes experiments in materialising data including in Making Things Public at ZKM Karlsruhe (2005).
Institution affiliation: Cornell University – Department of Human Centered Design
Title: Pluriversal approaches to design research and design education
Dr. Renata M. Leitão is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Human Centered Design at Cornell University, where she leads the Pluriversal Futures Design Lab. Dr. Leitão is a graphic designer and social justice-focused design researcher with several years of experience in intercultural and collaborative projects with indigenous and marginalized communities. She founded, as co-chair, the Pluriversal Design Special Interest Group (PluriSIG) of the Design Research Society, an international research network that aims to highlight multiple perspectives in design, especially from those commonly oppressed by and excluded from mainstream design narratives. Dr. Leitão is also a co-founder of the virtual conferences PIVOT, which focuses on decoloniality and pluriversality in design.
In this paper I deploy the multiple meanings of the term ‘out of hand’ to explore the ways in which craft contributes to and challenges cultures of research within art and design schools. At the centre of this pithy phrase lies the hand – at the roots of craft practice and extreme making with its contiguous relationship to the development of human culture. Yet when placed in the context of academic research, craft as a method, output or concept has often been rejected ‘out of hand;’ its immediacy, sensory qualities, too-close connection to object production and messiness preventing craft from finding as firm a footing in the academy as other disciplines. Perhaps the tide is turning. New materialism and the embrace of multi-disciplinary methods, as well as the continued interest in craft within wider culture, have shone a spotlight on what craft might offer. In a culture where there is an underlying feeling that things are ‘out of hand’ – i.e. not fully under control – does the craftsperson well versed in mitigating risk and working through failure through intimate material knowledge offer something of a respite. These questions will be considered in the course of presenting examples of craft research from contemporary practitioners and researchers, and my own experience of supervising PhD students.
Institution affiliation: São Paulo State University – School of Architecture, Arts, Communication and Design
Title: Doctoral studies and research in Design in Brazil: future perspectives
Dr. Marizilda Menezes is a professor at UNESP Graduate Program in Design, a program that she coordinated for from 2004 to 2007, and from 2011 to 2013, having served as a vice-coordinator from 2007 to 2010. She is the Editor-in-chief of the journal Educação Gráfica, the Coordinator of the Design Means and Objects Study Laboratory – LEMOD, and a leader of the Languages of Space and Form Research Group. She holds a PhD in Architecture and Urbanism, and a Master degree in Engineering from the University of São Paulo (USP), a specialization diploma in building design from Ecole des Beaux Arts et Arts Appliqués de Nancy (France), and a BA in Fine Arts from Centro Universitário Belas Artes de São Paulo. Her research interests are Fashion Design, Surface Design, Graphic Expression, African and Afro-Brazilian Design.
Eduardo Arroyo Muñoz (1964, Bilbao, Spain) is an architect, a PhD holder in philosophy, and a master in architecture and urban planning since 1988 from the Technical School of Architecture of Madrid (ETSAM) in Madrid.
He has taught and given lectures worldwide. He founded the No.MAD office in Amsterdam in 1989, which has its main headquarters in Madrid since 1996, and his work has been published and exhibited in various countries.
Throughout his professional career, he has worked in Paris (1991-1992-1995), Bilbao (1994), and Madrid (since 1996).
Title: The value of highly educated designers in the public sector
Harri is in charge of leading the Economic Development and Employment Unit of second largest city of Finland, Espoo. His responsibilities include supporting the growth of companies, creation of private sector jobs, employment of the city’s residents, developing the Espoo innovation ecosystem and talent retention & attraction. He is also member of the management boards of HEVinnovations and Smart City Innovation Cluster, platforms which strengthen innovative activity and boost innovation-based business in Finland, especially related to smart cities, green transition, health & wellbeing and digitalization.
Speaker: Azmina Poddar
Azmina Poddar the Managing Director of Design & Creative Head Accenture Song brings more than 24 years of expertise encompassing Design Leadership & Consulting, Design Strategy, and Human Centred Design. Her skill in crafting compelling narratives around branding, experience design, visual communication, and design thinking has allowed her to curate exceptional brand experiences for numerous clients across various industries. She possesses extensive knowledge in Design Leadership, Creative Strategy, Human Centred Experiences, Branding & System Design, as well as Visual Communication.
Azmina completed her post-graduation in digital transformation from Purdue University and holds an undergraduate degree in BFA, Fine Arts from Sir JJ School of Arts. Currently, she serves as the Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer at Accenture Song.
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Title: Regenerating Design: Exploring pluriversal, intercultural and critical frameworks in practice design research
Rathna Ramanathan is a typographer, practice design researcher and academic known for her expertise in intercultural communication and alternative publishing practices. She is Head of Central Saint Martins, Pro-Vice Chancellor (Climate in the Curriculum) and a Reader in Intercultural Communication at the University of the Arts London. For the past thirty years, Rathna has led research-driven, intercultural, multi-platform graphic communication practice design research projects primarily in the Global South, all fuelled by a love for, and life-long interest in typography and languages, and a belief in communication as a fundamental human right.
Speaker: Dr. Shaon Sengupta
Dr. Shaon Sengupta is an accomplished design leader and practitioner, currently serving as the Studio Director and Head of Design at Philips India. She takes great satisfaction in nurturing and bringing out the best in her team. Her areas of expertise lie in creative direction, design organization strategies, and maintaining a high standard of quality and craftsmanship. Her professional focus centres on “Design for Markets,” ensuring that design solutions align with market needs and demands. Additionally, Dr. Shaon is a dedicated researcher, with a particular interest in geriatric care. According to Dr. Shaon, when designing for technology, it is crucial to consider viability, future use cases, and policies as the primary considerations.
Dr. Shaon holds a doctorate degree from IDC – IIT Bombay, a post-graduation (Mdes) in Experience Design from the National Institute of Design, and a B.Sc. in computer science from Bangalore University. Currently, she holds the position of Studio Director and Head of Design India at Philips Experience Design in Bangalore.
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