EAD will host its pop-up event: “Writing Design Research Around the World”.
In order to promote excellence in design research writing, the European Academy of Design (EAD) is running a pop-up event spanning April 17, 18 and 19, 2024 (depending on your time zone – see schedule below). This online event is free and open to anyone interested in writing for peer reviewed publications and conferences/proceedings in the field of design research.
Register here.
Working closely with our partner The Design Journal, our aim is to stimulate a surge in excellent design research writing for publication in academic journals and presentation at conferences. This year’s event sets the scene for future events up to April 2025, to celebrate 30 years of the EAD and the next EAD conference, which will take place in 2026. Starting in Macau, we are hosting a virtual event that will follow the sun across Asia, Europe & the Middle East, North America and South America. Six international hosts will welcome design researchers looking to improve and practice their academic writing.
Not only will this event help you improve your writing, it will also offer you the opportunity to connect with design researchers around the world. This 16-hour celebration of writing will include presentations from guests including Professor Louise Valentine (Editor in Chief of The Design Journal), Distinguished Professor Rachel Cooper and Professor Susana Barreto, expert guidance on writing academically, and the chance to share writing tips as well as connect with design writers from around the world.
By following the detailed timeline and dates below, our six partners in Macau (University of Saint Joseph), Milan (Politecnico di Milano), Porto (University of Porto), Lancaster (Lancaster University), São Paulo (University of São Paulo) and Champaign (University of Illinois) will each host a 3-hour writing event in sequence. These events will overlap with each other by 30 minutes at the start and at the end, facilitating networking, community-building, and even co-authoring.
As this is an online event, you are welcome to attend any and all sessions. All dates + times are local, including the 30-minute overlaps at the beginning and end of each segment. Green cell indicates leading session hub. The event will not be recorded.
Check these local times against your location: https://www.timeanddate.com/.
For further information and event link, join EAD on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/3970729/